Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Whole World Summit, Good Food Festival & Conference & IHHN Updates!

Hello to All,

Spring is always a time with renewed activity for me. Maybe it is the new plants pushing up through the earth; snow drops blooming, swelling buds everywhere and the increase in sightings of robins!

Yesterday started the 2014 Whole World Summit and the list of teachers/presenters is inspiring. There is something for all who are moved to uplift the planet.

Tomorrow begins the Good Food Festival & Conference

The Indiana Holistic Health Network is being updated page by page to reflect our current membership.  The changes we are making, are to ensure that the IHHN will continue to be a viable resource for seekers of holistic and alternative therapies and resources.  Over the next few months, you will see many changes.  The changes will allow the network to care for itself financially and offer resources to promote the network in venues to benefit our members, advertisers and supporters.

Thank you Rita Palozzolo of For All Seasons  in Terre Haute for your updated information. 

Pages in the recent update include:
~Advertising/Membership - Getting listed
~Hospice Care
~Veterinarian and Animal Care

A side note - Our sister, LOCAL FOOD BLOOMINGTON has updated the Food News page. 

These are the next pages we are updating
~HEALING Crane Newsletter of the Indiana Holistic Health Network
 (All going well, the Crane will be out within the week!)
~Sound and Breath Work
~Gardening Resources

Thank you to our Volunteers and Supporters!

May all experience abundance of great health and general well-being!