Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rain and Pea Hen with Chicks!

May this note find you well on this wonderful wet three turkey morning! (thank you to the people who let me know that a female turkey is a hen, not a pea hen)

There are many wild turkeys living in southern Indiana; for years they have been scratching up my neighbors plantings, yet I had not seen any in my woods. This morning, a hen with two chicks meandered down my driveway! Perfect, tiny turkeys!

It was wonderful to awaken in the night to hear sounds of rain falling. It was as though I could feel the earth sigh in relief, and in that not awake place, I found myself saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, mahalo." I, along with many others have been observing tree leaves drooping, dogwood berries ripening, grasses yellowing from thirst, and signs of autumn arriving to early; now, we have a brief reprieve!

Off to a small group ministry workshop this morning, will return later with information about the Council of All Beings set for October 2nd!



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