Friday, July 30, 2010

Upcoming Classes and Events

May you be well. Thank you for reading the IHHN Blog!

The IHHN has been in counsel, and we will be changing the way we do some things. So check in every now and then to see what is going on!

~Upcoming Classes and Events~

Visit website at for complete list.

OPEN STUDIO WORKSHOPS - 2nd and 4th Mondays
~ August 9 - Celebration Drum -learn to make a fine sounding slender frame drum with a fiber head.

~Intuitive Reiki - August 19th - December 16th (9 sessions). Essential techniques to increase perception and for enhancing your practice 6:30 to 8:30 - " Class size limited
$410; register by August 5th and pay only $380
($30 savings). Book/materials fee.

~August 23 - Healing Spirit Doll Workshop - Stitch a visible prayer

~August 13th - Reiki Level I Class in Usui System of Natural Healing - Open to Reiki in the Level I workshop where you will be attuned to the gentle, powerful energy that will allow you to reduce pain and help support stress reduction. For details visit web site -

Katie Wolfe - Chipmunk Hill Art Studios and Gallery Offering private and semi-private lessons and classes for individuals, small groups families and kids-of-all-ages,homeschool classes -(over 20-years experience), workshops, demonstrations, commissions in painting, drawing, sculpture, clay and pottery. Reasonable terms and rates. Located on scenic Russell Road (near Serendipity Lane) in the east side fringeoff East 45 (10th st). The Chipmunks are still wearing their hardhats but we are Open and in the studiomost days and by appointment. 812-339-2026 or email at wolfel(at)att.netChipmunk Hill - Kate Wolfe. Sign up for Fall classes!


Thursday, August 5, 2010 in the Monroe County Public Library, Room 1C, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please plan to join us as we continue to move into healing and transformation. Each circle is unique and provides its own opportunity to rest, heal and grow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010, You are invited to attend the Bloomington Spiritual Life Center’s first Open House: 2:00 to 5:00 pm at 412 S. Walnut, Bloomington, IN 47401. We will have tours, mini-sessions, information, discussions, and refreshments. Please drop by for a brief or lengthy stay! If any of you are interested in helping prepare for the event, or would like to drop by before the open house, please feel free to contact me by email or cell phone (812-219-6734). The BSLC phone lines should be installed within the next week, giving us a land line, fax line, and wireless for the BSLC (so you can bring your laptop and hang out!)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Response to Healing CRANE - Ten Ways to Prepare...

Health to you through these hot, muggy, and beautiful days in Southern Indiana! Our local Farmers Markets are thriving. Our sister site, Local Food Bloomington has recently published Local Food News and finally begun posting images taken over a few years from visits to the Bloomington Saturday market. Click here to check out the Farmers Market Photo Gallery.

Thank you for your responses. I am always interested in any response to what is included in the Healing CRANE Newsletter. I also appreciate learning when links are not working! The last issue touched a few of you readers, creating a couple of different responses. Based on what is received, I am sure there are other thoughts that readers just don't have time to make to let us hear. We had one individual who did not like some of the information; while a few others asked that we keep the articles coming with references to health and medicine in response to "Medicine After Oil" by Daniel Bednarz, published to Orion Magazine July/August 2007; and other topics concerning societal transitions. Most readers understand that all aspects of our health and wellness are connected to the health of all systems supporting our day to day existence, and yes, that includes petroleum products. Following is the opening to the article by Bednarz. You can read the rest in the newsletter.

"The scale and subtlety of our country’s dependency on oil and natural gas cannot be overstated. Nowhere is this truer than in our medical system.

Petrochemicals are used to manufacture analgesics, antihistamines, antibiotics, antibacterials, rectal suppositories, cough syrups, lubricants, creams, ointments, salves, and many gels. Processed plastics made with oil are used in heart valves and other esoteric medical equipment. Petrochemicals are used in radiological dyes and films, intravenous tubing, syringes, and oxygen masks. In all but rare instances, fossil fuels heat and cool buildings and supply electricity. Ambulances and helicopter “life flights” depend on petroleum, as do personnel who travel to and from medical workplaces in motor vehicles."


A few readers were put off by the language used by James Howard Kunstler in "Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society" (Alternet).

Following is an exert from another of his articles, "Making Other Arrangements - A wake-up call to a citizenry in the shadow of oil scarcity" published January/February 2007 in Orion magazine.

"AS THE AMERICAN PUBLIC CONTINUES sleepwalking into a future of energy scarcity, climate change, and geopolitical turmoil, we have also continued dreaming. Our collective dream is one of those super-vivid ones people have just before awakening. It is a particularly American dream on a particularly American theme: how to keep all the cars running by some other means than gasoline. We’ll run them on ethanol! We’ll run them on biodiesel, on synthesized coal liquids, on hydrogen, on methane gas, on electricity, on used French-fry oil . . . !

The dream goes around in fevered circles as each gasoline replacement is examined and found to be inadequate. But the wish to keep the cars going is so powerful that round and round the dream goes. Ethanol! Biodiesel! Coal liquids . . .

View (and join in) the lively discussion that followed online publication of this article.

We are in a time of global transformation and uncertainty. We know that resources are disappearing, and we know inside that we will have to make some changes. With imminent changes before us, it seems that close examination of health and wellness practices and systems; how we want to transition resources and services utilizing realistic plans is a great idea.

May we find common ground to travel upon, and meet many supportive people along the way.